Aqua Museum
Learn all about jellyfish
A "jellyfish" that fascinates the heart of what you see when you relax
In the new area where Aquariums 's popular "jellyfish" plays a key role, you can know all about jellyfish not only by "seeing" but by using your five senses.

In addition to moon jellyfish, you can see more than 10 types of Moon jelly fish such as sanderia malayensis. We also introduce a lot of knowledge about jellyfish.
Experience LAB.

This is a hands-on area where you can learn about jellyfish.
We also recommend this project!
Creatures seen in this area
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Aqua Museum
Other Areas

LABO1 "The beginning of the sea "

LABO2 "Research Institute for Familiar Sea Creatures"

LABO3 "The Animals evolved in the sea "

LABO4 "Animals living in ice sea "

LABO5 "Schools Herd living in vast expanse of sea and sparkling fish "

LABO6 "The Sea and the Life that get bag of the Sun "

LABO7 "Deep sea aquarium “Mystery of the under water dale” "

LABO8 "King Shark of the Sea ~The World of Sharks through the Five Senses~"

LABO10 "Fishes Shoals of fish swimming around coral"


forest garden
