La Tarafuku terrace special seating

Terrace special seating image

Terrace special seating image

You can watch the fireworks spread out in front of you from your seat on the Woody Terrace, focusing on Western food.

PriceSeating fee + all-you-can-eat
Seat fee
1 table 2,000 yen
*For 2 to 4 people per table

All-you-can-eat price
Adult: 2,300 yen
High school student: 2,080 yen
Junior high school student: 1,880 yen
Elementary school student: 1,100 yen
Infant (4 years old or older): 780 yen
Children under 3 years old: Free
Utilization time19:30~21:00
number of seats20 tables
Reservation method花火開催日当日の10:00から、店舗にて予約受付開始。